Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 8

Day 8: (May 14,2012) I WILL DO MORE OF WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY! Remember when you were a small child, the games you played? Several of them you probably made up yourself! One of my favorite games was pretending my siblings and I were in a rock and roll band...I of course was the singer! Well, guess what?! I never stopped playing this game. I know it sounds silly but it is perfectly fine to be a mature, responsible adult who never gives up on dreams! What brings you joy? Make you forget about how you look or act? What comes natural to you? DO IT AGAIN! And do it like no one is watching. Own it:)

Meditation: Same as Day 1 for 7 minutes.

Yoga: Four full Sun Salutations on both sides of the body. Add a balancing pose of your choice, and hold plank pose for 30 seconds.

Journal: Write about an activity that makes you the happiest.

I hope you enjoyed your first week of the yoga challenge! I certainly did! My family has joined me in practice here at home nearly every day...and they even came to the studio to see me teach! I  am inspired by their interest in my passion (yoga) and it draws us close as a family to breathe in harmony during asana:) What a gift they have given me!

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