Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 14

Day 14 (May 20,2012) I HAVE TALENTS. Today start thinking about what you are really good at doing. It doesn't have to be anything big like singing, dancing, etc. It can be as small as realizing your ability to make children happy. Maybe you give good hugs, or you intuitively know when and what to say to your best friend. Maybe you have great organizing skills or you know how to make a mean grilled cheese get the idea! Give yourself props for the things you do wonderfullly! When you feel down because you can't master something in life...such as a hard yoga pose...return your mind to the positive things you can do. The more you talk nice to yourself the easier those hard things will become. Your spirit becomes more willing when you show patience toward yourself:)

Meditation: Same as Day 1 for 10 minutes.

Yoga: Four full Sun Salutations on both sides of the body. Add triangle or side angle poses, a balancing pose of your choice, hold plank for one minute, and Warrior I and Warrior II for 10 breaths each.

Journal: Write down five talents you have:)

Wow! We have made it two weeks. This last Saturday, I must be honest...i could not do a full practice. I had an iffy shoulder form work! You may run in to a hard day yourself! Don't beat yourself as much as you can and be happy you are sticking with your meditation and journaling.


  1. ALLISON, thanx for reading this blog...i am no writer to be sure! but i have had fun doing this project! Sending u a hug:)
