Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 20

Day 20 (May 26,2012) I WILL HONOR MYSELF AND OTHERS. Keep showing yourself kindness. help others to think of themselves in a kind way also. We have everything to gain as a human race by building up ourselves and others. Think what the world would look like if we showed others respect even if they were very different from us....IT CAN START WITH YOU AND ME:) And it will bring US peace. We have worked hard to establish peace between our mind and body on this twenty-one day journey. In face the word yoga means UNITY...and that is our ultimate goal in life: TO BE ONE WITH EVERYTHING:)

Meditation: Same as Day 1 for 10 minutes.

Yoga: Four full Sun Salutations on both sides of the body. Add triangle or side angle poses, a balancing pose of your choice, hold plank for one minute and Warrior I and Warrior II for 10 breahts each.

Journal: Write down a few ways we can honor to ourselves and others.

Have a great Saturday! We are having a family picnic in the park today....i hope you have some fun plans too. I would love to hear about them! I would also love to hear about your yoga challenge experience! So feel free to leave me a post below! Proud of each of you:)

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