Friday, May 4, 2012

21 day yoga challenge...begins May 7,2012

21 day yoga challenge.

Namaste. Thank you for your interest! My name is Becca and I am a Certified Yoga Instructor. I want to help people develop a daily yoga practice right from their  home. The challenge will begin on May 7, 2012. The  yoga class I teach in my local community will be doing this with me, and also friends in different states and  countries will be  joining us via this blog. I hope you leave comments about your yoga journey also! The following paragraphs are a preface:

Why we do yoga, and why for twenty-one days : Learning about our "center" and using our balance in a yoga pose can help us practice finding our center and balance in real life situations. Also learning something new helps us to create fresh "pathways" in our brain...carrying us away from our old "ruts" and habitual thoughts and feelings. Scientists have proven it takes twenty-one days to break old, bad habits and the same amount of time to form new, good habits!

Suggestions: Each day drink at least 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses of water, take a multi-vitamin, get at least seven hours of sleep. You may also want to journal about things that come up during your meditation time. Also write about what poses you enjoy and why, what poses are hard for you and why, or a particular problem you are gaining insight about during your practice or something you have gained gratitude for during your practice. So have a pen and notebook ready. Before you begin this challenge have a designated place and time to do your yoga practice and meditation. It does not need to be fancy...just comfortable with as few distractions as possible. Other things you may want to consider during this time are: optimal nutrition, letting go of any bad habits, nurturing good relationships, letting go of harmful ones and creating new healthy opportunities in your life such as incorporating a thirty minute cardio routine of walking or jogging in to your day for ultimate fitness! Allow these twenty-one days to be a time of restoration, re-evaluation, and rejuvenation! I can't wait to get started with you! I will post the yoga sequences Saturday and Sunday...and we will begin our journey together on Monday! Love and Light, Becca

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