Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 5

Day 5 (May 11,2012) : LOVE CONQUERS ALL. (Thank you of First Corinthians) Having a genuine love for ourselves can conquer a lot of our insecurities. The next time you feel like beating yourself up verbally, think to yourself..."Would I say these exact words to my best friend?" I am guessing none of us would or we wouldn't have that best friend for very long! So why would we speak to ourselves that way?! An example of how we can change our internal dialogue: "My hips are not huge...they are perfect for a baby to rest upon. My thighs are not ugly...they are welcoming:), etc...If you are a man reading this you probably have different worries, but you get the idea!  Now you can think of some of your own and write them down in your journal. Refer to them on days when you forget how truly amazing you are! Be your own best friend!

Meditation: Same as Day 1 for 5 minutes.

Yoga Two full Sun Salutations on both sides of the body.

Journal for 5 minutes...don't forget to write down things you LOVE about yourself!

See you back here tomorrow for Day 6! Thanks again for reading my blog...if you ever want to leave a comment, question or  concern please feel free to do so! If you have an story to share about your personal journey, I would love to hear it!

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