Saturday, May 5, 2012

balancing poses, triangle, and savasana with a dog distraction:)

dancer's balancing pose. remember breathing deeply helps keep you balanced and calm. shift your weight to your left leg. make a "hitchiker's thumb" with your right hand., then let the  right toes rest between thumb and fingers. inhale deeply...slowly extending left arm in front of you and pressing right foot back into hand gaining elevation for the leg on your exhale. beautiful! keep breathing!  and remember to do on both sides of the body to keep yourself balanced.

tree pose (balancing). (please never place your foot on the inside of your knee. only on the inside of the calf, or the inside of the thigh for safety.) breathe deeply and smile too because this pose is fun! also do on both sides of the body.

eagle pose.(balancing)

plank...hold for one minute...increases strength, and stamina in the body...excellent for all over toning:)

savasana (corpse pose) let all the energy and intention you created in your yoga practice today begin to settle back down on you in this pose....i suggest staying in savasana for at least eight minutes. i have a dog (sookie stackhouse fluffy-bottom is her name) in my picture and i decided to leave the picture just like has distractions...that doesn't mean they have to interrupt our yoga practice or principles.

1 comment:

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