Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 10

Day 10 (May 16, 2012) BELIEVE YOU CAN AND YOU ARE HALFWAY THERE. Guess what?...YOU are halfway there in your twenty one day yoga challenge too! Great job having faith in yourself...I knew you could do it! Be very proud of yourself for how far you have come. Use this time to see the progress you have made in your body, mind and spirit. What new things have you managed to bring in to your life...what negative things have you let go? Thank YOU for always coming back to your mat!

Meditation: Same as Day 1 for 7 minutes.

Yoga: Four full Sun Salutations on both sides of the body. Add a balancing pose of your choice, hold plank for 30 seconds, and Warrior I and Warrior II for 5 breaths each.

Journal for 5 minutes about your progress.

I hope everyone has a great day! Give yourself a little reward today...a new your favorite movie...leave work 15 minutes early and take a walk with your family...just something to celebrate your acheivements!

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