Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 21

DAY 21 (May 27,2012) OFF THE MAT, INTO THE WORLD. By now you have learned alot about yourself. Your strengths, capabilities, what makes you tick. Maybe you remembered some dream you had for yourself and you are pursuing it again. Keep coming back to these lessons. Let your yoga mat be a place of affirmation and inspiration. Pour your heart on your mat. Sit quietly in meditation and the answers will keep coming to you in ways that hours of worry could never have produced. I am truly proud that you leaned in to the hard days instead of pulling away. I am glad you did the work for yourself! I am grateful we were all on this journey together! Now let's take it to others.....:)

Meditation: Since we are taking our practice out into the world today, take your meditation with you. I would love for you to take a walk all by yourself today. Just ten minutes will do. With each step think of how far you have come, and where your new "you" will take you next...may it be a place of happiness and wonder because YOU DESERVE IT!

Yoga: When you return from your walk please just do Savasana (corpse pose). Let all the energy and intention you created in your practice these twenty-one days come to rest upon you and fill you up. When you "awaken" from you Savasana please treat it as a re-birth.

Journal: Put it in a nice safe place and refer to it again and again when you need to be reminded of "the good things".

It has been my honor that you read my blog and do this challenge with me! I would love to hear about your experience! Please tell me what worked for you, what didn't...just anything that comes to mind! Much love to you all:) Becca

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